This picture was taken a few weeks ago, but is amazing considering these three guys are were once NICU roommates. They all came to the NICU in late Feb. or early March of 2008. Nic was the first to come, even though he and Xander had the same due date of May 28. Xander managed to have a couple extra weeks to grow before he joined Nic. These guys once had duelling alarms, forcing the nurses to run back and forth to see which one was desatting or having a bradycardia. Where once they were separated by the thick plastic walls of the isolettes, they now have no boundaries. No wonder they didn't truly let these guys hang together in the NICU! It will be fun to see them grow and change together. Nic just had his 11 month birthday and I am starting to get very sentimental about where we were this time last year, really just starting to get comfortable with being pregnant and showing. We have so much to be thankful for, and I'm grateful that this Valentine's Day we'll have Nic to hold in our arms. Last Valentine's Day rushing to the hospital, we weren't so sure this would ever happen.
Rhubarb Cocktails
What says spring and early summer than rhubarb? Nothing. That's what.
If you're tired of strawberry rhubarb pies or even rhubarb crisps, turning
to fun, fl...